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why don’t you vote against him
我感觉它注定要失败  detail>>
why are you against me
为什么你背着我爱别人  detail>>
why don’t you go to see
你为什么不去看  detail>>
why do you keavoiding him
你怎么老躲着他  detail>>
don’t let him fool you
别被他唬了  detail>>
is that why you don’t want to go home
这就是你不想回家的原因吗?  detail>>
why do you want to marry him
你为什么想嫁他?(针对年龄、专业等差距大)  detail>>
why don
你何不在这里涂点薄荷  detail>>
against vote
反对票  detail>>
vote against
投票反对  detail>>
that the taxpayers will vote for him
纳税人会投他一票  detail>>
85.don’t ask why
别问为什么  detail>>
don’t ask me why
别问我为什么  detail>>
vote against sb
投票不选某人  detail>>
why ask him
问他则甚  detail>>
don’t lay a glove on him
你敢碰他一根毫毛  detail>>
don’t mind him
别理他  detail>>
don’t wake him up
你不要叫醒他  detail>>